I have been suffering knee pain for a long time and had been recommended by a consultant to get 2 new knees . In particular I would experience a lot of pain climbing stairs and going up hills .
In order to prepare for an operation I have been attending Physio. He gave me exercises to do which were helping me to build up certain muscles for my intended operation.
These exercises along with icing my knees helped me . But then Shane gave me the hand held device RX Laser Pro that he developed.
It gave me huge relief . This is the Magic Bullet
It emits low level Laser therapy to significantly reduce pain. It is safe and easy to use for just 1 15 minutes session per day . It gave me huge relief. The laser treated the source of my pain , helped reduce the inflammation in my knees and enabled me to climb the stairs without pain … the first time in a long time . I also stopped icing my knees .
The other benefits are that it can be used on other areas of the body for example back neck shoulders. All this without any known side effects .
I have found this device so helpful that I have deferred my operation and I can genuinely say that I have no hesitation in recommending it to people who have osteoarthritis.